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V2 Session Thirteen - 3 August 2007 - "Gluttony" / "Bad Light"

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Player Character Race Class
Dave Freyrik Human(Feytouched) Warlock/4
THF Líkami Human Monk/3
Ken Ash Aasimar Paladin/3
VW Heilli Human Soulknife/3, Psion/1
Kurt Ketamine Crag Gnome Barbarian/1, Witch/3
Chris Yosi Wood Elf Barbarian/4
Val Allie Lesser Aasimar Favored Soul/3, Fighter/1

Note: This adventure comes from “Gluttony”, by J. Bradley Schell, as published in "Dungeon Magazine" #98, May, 2003, pages 14-19, and the “mini-adventure” "Bad Light", by Owen K. C. Stephens.

28 June 1111

Travel to Mane. While staying at the Inn, Líkami overhears a farmer talking about a dead pig who “got up and tried to attack” him. The party decides to investigate the following morning – as it is generally seen as unwise to confront undead at night.

29 June 1111

Meet a farmer named Dervin who has organized a 250 gp reward for whomever kills the “Vampires” that have been killing farmers for the past two weeks.

The party discovers (and defeat) a pair of Rasts, apparently summoned (or at least allied with) an evil Dwarven Cleric to Hel.

After collecting their reward, the party is invited to feast with the farmers.

30 June 1111

Travel to Feather. Baron Johann invites the party to spend the night at his keep – where he reveals that he has hired a scholar to help him decipher the books the party recovered near the village of Thistle.

Most of the books were worthless, but one book turned out to have a wealth of information. This is what he has learned for sure:

  • They are written in the Yuan-Ti script.
  • The Yuan-Ti are a race of “snakemen” who come from the tropics.
  • The book documents decades of activities (many nefarious) of the “House of Circlet”.
  • The people and places are referred to with code words, so it is not a “smoking wand”.
  • He believes his family has been wooed (and possibly recruited) since at least the time of his grandfather.

These points are mostly supposition:

  • The House of Circlet is allied with the Yuan-Ti.
  • There is an organization called “The Vanguard of Sertrous” - which is either the same as or allied with the House.
  • The Lizard Men from Mosamor Marsh are allies with the House.
  • There are references to both "Mosargrax" and “The Black” - which refer to the Black Dragon who has ruled Mosamor Marsh for centuries. It is unclear whether it is an ally.

1 July 1111

The baron is heading to Rainbow Point to oversee some sort of dispute between merchants, so the party joins his small caravan. The baron, in no hurry to face the merchants, spends the night in Stillsquall.

2 July 1111

The baron leaves town, while the rest of the party returns to their “normal” lives.

That night, however, the baron returns and says he needs the party's help. “Someone or something has taken over the Pearl Tower!”

3 July 1111

The party heads out to investigate the “Pearl Tower” and finds a group of Goblins guarding the top entrance. After dispatching them, they descend into the tower, where they find a Barghest and a Green Hag. The group had apparently taken over the tower, doused its signal fire, and then set a new signal fire farther down the coast. Their intent (which seems to have been successful) was to misguide ships into the dangerous reef near the tower. Once the ships ran aground, their crew were killed and their cargo stripped.

# Challenge CR
1 Shepherd Zombie 1/2
6 Sheep Zombies 1/4
6 Wolves 1
2 Rasts 5
1 Knirval, Dwarven Cleric to Hel 5
12 Goblins (Warrior/2) 1/2
1 Skrom, the Barghest 4
1 Lykast, the Green Hag 5
Total XP (each) 1,6004

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