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The Storm Towers

These towers are the greatest remaining legacy of the Dark Mage wars. Some were constructed in secret, others by deception, but they all served one purpose: To house a storm tower zombie who would hold a storm crystal in his forehead and be a local host to the ever expanding storm cloud.

Storm Tower Locations

Location Inhabitant Public Not Public Notes
Lowland Pelham X (Not Standard)
Leafgal Some general X
Torthorne X
Backbone Scardore X
Hookridge X
Near Spire Lamar X
King's Island X
Bearly Esmond X
Pleven High Elf King X Crystal destroyed
Wisewood Woof Elf Queen X
Larinday Elsa X Crystal destroyed
Druid's Grove X
Lar Pelar X
Kinander The One-Eye X
Mtn Pass X
Blanan X
Riprap X
Resh X Never completed
Old Glekdin X
West of Resh X
Gnome Valley Drow Priestess X
Rota (unoccupied) X
Midriver (unoccupied) X
Engin (unoccupied) X
Farflen (unoccupied) X
Clangdun (unoccupied) X
Lendore Island (unoccupied) X Under construction
Midore Island (unoccupied) X Under construction
Southland (unoccupied) X Under construction
Desert 1 X
Desert 2 X
Desert 3 X
Desert 4 X
Desert 5 X
Desert 6 X
Desert 7 (unoccupied) X Under construction
Desert 8 (unoccupied) X Under construction

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storm_tower.1168710732.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:44 (external edit)