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Backbone is a feudal society that worships the Egyptian gods. Before the wars, the peoples of Backbone were arrogant to a fault. Since theirs was the first organized nation to emerge from the chaos that ended the second age, they considered themselves special. The wars with the Dark Mage washed away that nationalism and it is only now beginning to come back. Rathwyn has tried to rule the country with an even hand, but once the orcs were no longer a threat, she was faced with increasingly violent and angry citizens. She established an arena for gladiatorial-style combat which seems to have served as a release for some of this violence, but she constantly worries about an organized revolt. Worse still is the fact that certain families have become very prominent in the city and her control over the militia and city guard is slipping into their hands. More and more frequently she has had to rely on the power of the Trio of Might to keep the peace.
The once-proud kingdom is now slowly rebuilding itself. By 1108 (ten years after its fall), only two cities had been resettled: Edric (formerly known as “Backbone”) and Hookridge. Since then, the whole of the kingdom has been resettled – though there remain many abandoned manor houses and villages.
The King's Island, while originally part of the kingdom is considered by many to be independent. For awhile, queen Rathwyn tried to reintegrate it into the monarchy but has since given up and allowed a limited autonomy.
During the wars, much of the population fled to Resh, Spindrift or Rota. After the end of the wars, most of these people slowly returned – but a large number stayed in their new lands. As a result, the population of Backbone today is no more than 3/4 of its pre-war population.
Major Cities
Previous Status
Religion: Egyptian
Opinion of other religions: Tolerate (68% positive)
Type of leader: Monarch (traditional)
Description of Judicial system: Individual magistrates deal with most crimes. The city guard and the king's patrol bring in criminals and all are given a trial. The king's authority overrides all others, although this authority is rarely (if ever) used. Higher-level suspected criminals may be subject to magical analysis (Zone of Truth, etc).
Treatment of Strangers: Average (57% positive)
1094: The kingdom of Backbone is easily the most powerful kingdom. It has just finished with two deadly wars: the first with Sardul's Orcs, and the other with Lowland. These have all but sapped the kingdom of its will. Now, they are at peace but fear the coming evil more than any other nation. The king is trying his hardest to restore morale but is faced with shortages of food and lodging, as well as a dramatic increase in crimes due to the influx of thousands of Lowland refugees. Treatment of the Lowlanders is low (for obvious reasons). Strangers are being treated with utmost caution. With the influx of people and the associated shortages, heavy inflation is hitting the kingdom and the king has been forced to introduce near-militaristic price controls. Thus, when morale is at an all-time low, the king's popularity is slipping fast.
1104: It has been six years since the death of the king and the collapse of the kingdom. Now, Backbone is inhabited by few living creatures. The storm cloud has engulfed all of the lands, and even Orcs fear to tread here. Pelham, technically speaking, has full authority over this land, but this means nothing. Without peasants to rule, who needs a ruler?
1108: With the storm cloud gone, the orcs have fled and Rathwyn has spearheaded the resettlement of returning refugees.
1130: All the citizens who are likely to return home have done so. Lands and property have been redistributed – though not without acrimony. A new kind of stability has emerged and the refugees from Lowland have finished a generation's worth of integration.