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Voyager27 - 06 February 2004 - The Second Wave

Previous calendar:

  • Third Age, Year 1108
  • 10 June - Encounter with flying Slaad and Chaos minions
  • 11 June - Interrogation
I. The Second Wave

When the Chaos minion summons the fog, the enemy will know that the four have failed. It will then begin forming a small army of Shadow Elementals to stop the party.

At first, this will be seen by the party as the fog getting denser. However, the fog radiates a weak magic (not obvious, but will show up with a Detect Magic). Also, if the party picks up camp to move, the fog will follow!

Throughout the whole day of the 11th, the fog will grow progressively denser. By sunset, visibility will be down to a few feet. Finally, at 20:17, it will coalesce into a group of Elementals and attack. Unlike the Chaos Minions, these critters do not have a goal of stealing Kesi's staff. They are far too stupid to pull off something like that.

There are 20 in all: 2 Huge, 4 Large, 6 Medium, and 8 Small. They will appear, though, over a large area - a circle 200' in radius centered on the party. However, they will be scattered randomly - so the threat to the party is uncertain. Also remember that it is night - so the party will be obligated to provide illumination if they intend to see clearly.

                Small          Medium         Large          Huge

HD ………. 2d8+1 (10) 4d8+10 (28) 8d8+28 (64) 16d8+72 (144) Init …….. +5 +7 +8 +10 AC ………. 16 (+1/+1/+4) 18 (+0/+3/+5) 19 (-1/+4/+6) 20 (-2/+6/+6) Base Attack . +1 +3 +6 +12 Attack …… Slam +4 Slam +7 Slam +11 Slam +18 Full Attack . Slam +4 Slam +7 2 Slams +11 2 Slams +18 Damage …… 1d6+1 1d6+3 2d6+4 2d8+9 Space/Reach . 5/5 5/5 10/10 15/15 Damage Red .. – – 5/- 5/- Saves ……. +2/+3/+0 +5/+5/+1 +7/+8/+2 +12/+14/+6 (Fort/Ref/Will) Abil: Str .. 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 21 (+5)

        Dex ..  13 (+1)        16 (+3)        19 (+4)        23 (+6)
        Con ..  11 (+0)        15 (+2)        17 (+3)        19 (+4)
        Int ..   4 (-3)         4 (-3)         6 (-2)         6 (-2)
        Wis ..  11 (+0)        11 (+0)        11 (+0)        11 (+0)
        Cha ..  11 (+0)        11 (+0)        11 (+0)        11 (+0)

Skills …… +2/+3 +3/+4 +5/+6 +11/+12 (Listen/Spot) Challenge … CR 1 CR 3 CR 5 CR 7

Common to all sizes:

    Speed: 30 feet, 40 feet Fly, 40 feet Swim       Special Attacks: Shadow mastery
    Feats: Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative (+4)   Special Qualities: Elemental

If killed, the Huge Elementals will each release a Blue Slaad. These Slaad can use Dimension Door at will, instead of Passwall. The Elementals can also release the Slaad willingly, if they wish to discorporate.

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voyagernotes27.1183319274.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:48 (external edit)