V2 Session Ten - 22 June 2007 - "Barrow of the Forgotten King" (part 6)
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Player | Character | Race | Class |
Dave | Freyrik | Human(Feytouched) | Warlock/3 |
THF | Líkami | Human | Monk/3 |
Ken | Ash | Aasimar | Paladin/2 |
VW | Heilli | Human | Soulknife/2, Psion/1 |
Kurt | Ketamine | Crag Gnome | Barbarian/1, Witch/2 |
Chris | Yosi | Wood Elf | Barbarian/3 |
Val | Allie | Lesser Aasimar | Favored Soul/2, Fighter/1 |
Note: This adventure comes from “Barrow of the Forgotten King”, by Ed Stark, as published by Wizards of the Coast.
13 March 1111
Area 17) Robber Encampment
The party has stumbled (quite literally) into a trio of sleeping Varags… Despite the fact that one of the Varags is highly skilled in combat, the fight is quick and ends with all three Varags dead. However, the already weakened party is in bad need of rest.
Area 18) Cliffside Waterfall
Meet Sigur, the Fey spirit who lives in and protects the waterfall. He helps the wounded party get safely out to the surface, where they return to the village to rest.
14 March 1111
Líkami awakes with some kind of stomach bug, but he opts to join the party on their expedition - even though he doesn't feel up to the rigors of combat. Heilli spends much of the morning making hilarious “fart jokes” at his brother's expense.1)
The refreshed party returns to the waterfall, where Sigur helps them back in. He warns them of the “Tomb Spider” in the next room and offers them assistance and healing.
Area 19) False Tomb Entry
Battle the Tomb Spider, its web mummy, and a swarm. Yosi, confronting one of his greatest fears, enters the fray and helps bring down the enormous, powerful spider. Ketamine's badger companion, Pebble, is infected with the Tomb Spider's poison and dies when she tries to heal him. After Pebble's death, a disconsolate Ketamine rages, breaking and tearing into any convenient target up on the balcony, including, surprisingly, Freyrik, who intelligently descends into the main room and lets her have her space and time.
Area 20) Balcony
Discover a dead Hobgoblin, some impressive loot, and a door to the tomb beyond.
Area 21) Treachery's Price
The party learns the story of the forgotten king, in the form of three illusions:
Illusion 1
A magic painting depicts a spring day on a high, green hill, making it seem as if the sun reaches this room as well as the green slope. You can almost smell apple blossoms and awakening flowers. People in fine clothes stand around the hill, and it is as if you are among them. Central in the scene is a tall, raven- haired man dressed in shining plate armor, kneeling before a blond man and a red-haired woman, each wearing golden crowns.
Illusion 2
The room quickly fills with the image of the hill you saw before, now covered in brown grass, flames leaping into the sky off in the distance. The dark-haired man in shining armor wields two curved swords, battling howling goblinoids and baying wolves. Beside him fights the blond king wielding a black longsword. Light sparkles on the blade and the king's crowned helmet. The red-haired woman holds her ground behind and between the two, her staff held aloft as lightning strikes her foes. Your hair stands on end and your skin tingles, as if electricity were really in the air.
Illusion 3
Snow covers the hill, but bloodstains clash with the mud and frost. The blond king has fallen to one knee, his left arm hanging useless at his side. Bestial humanoids surround him as he caresses the cheek of the red-haired woman lying mortally wounded before him. Behind the golden-haired king stands the raven-haired knight, his silver armor stained with blood and his eyes wild with triumph, wrath, and greed. He holds the king's crown aloft with one hand as his curved blade slices down at the king in the other.
In addition to learning about the forgotten king, Yosi and Ash are deeply shaken
by what they see in a magical mirror in one tomb room and the party encounters
two horrible undead – creatures who had escaped from their magically sealed
sarcophagi. The battle nearly kills Allie and ravages the party as a whole.
Included in the loot are a ceremonial longsword (which Allie keeps), and a
magical suit of plate mail (which Ash takes).