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The Twenty Portals
Scattered across the world are twenty portals – each one connected to three “adjacent” portals. Logically, these portals are arranged as the vertices of a dodecahedron. However, physically, they appear at “random” locations on the map – oftentimes skipping nearer portals to connect to ones far away.
Throughout history, arcane scholars have drawn correlaries between the twenty portals and the twenty worlds, and some have claimed that each of the twenty worlds has its own set of twenty portals. Oftentimes, the three inter-world portals1) are lumped into the same category and referred to as the “Ninety-nine portals”. Where this term comes from is unknown and was most likely coined for poetic reasons.
These portals are strongly tied to the Great Map and become disconnected if the map is dispersed – which has happened at least twice (most recently in the year 1105).
Up until the year 1126, the wizard Kevin Arcana had total control over the twenty portals, but allowed their use by anyone who can pay 150 gold pieces to purchase a one-use key gem. These gems are pre-programmed with a particular path – taking the travelers (at least briefly) to each of the intermediate destinations.
During this time, travelers experienced a significant (though fleeting) flash of pain whenever they used the portals. This was because of a secret deal that Kevin had made with the Demon King of Pain, Gkîlarzzá. Once the demon was defeated and Kevin killed, this effect stopped.
The portals can be used by anyone with a key gem – and (since 1126) the key gems can be purchased at any decent magic shop. Prices vary – but are usually between 25 and 100 gold pieces.
Note: The portals act as Teleportation Circles (per the 5th level conjuration spell).
Significant portal locations
- Neroth, Kevin Arcana's home
- The Spindrift Isles (Eastern Lendore)
- Midway between The city-state of Edric and Hookridge
- Mosaî, “The Hidden Empire”
- The "Wall Islands"