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(← Anniversary Dungeon '86) (Back to Adventures Index) (Anniversary Dungeon '87 →)

Ozzie Meets Parádoxa

This solo adventure was written for Ozzie and run in 1986. According to a margin note on the original pages, it “took place shortly after Anniversary Dungeon”.

Mary (the Master Summoner)

  • born 1028 in Lowland, real name Claira
  • Demonstrated mutant power to summon creatures at age of 14 (1042)
  • At age 18, she summoned (by accident) a Time Elemental. She commanded it to give its powers to her. It did, much to her surprise.
  • That year (1046), she traveled forward in time 60 years to see what the future held. She saw a destroyed world and a Lowland ruled by Pelham.
  • She hopped back in time until she found a time when Lowland still thrived (1090) and she sought out Pelham. Try as she might, she could not defeat the lich1). In a last ditch effort, she tried activating her power of time travel simultaneous with her most powerful summons. The result was plucking Lord Ozzie from the future.
  • If Parádoxa defeats Ozzie, he will scramble Mary's memories, return Ozzie to his correct place, and revive Pelham.
  • If Ozzie defeats Parádoxa, then Mary will return Ozzie to the future (an alternate one) and after a few days, Parádoxa will return, scramble Mary's memories, revive Pelham and leave.


AC 0
MV 6“
HD 200 hp
#AT 1
Dam 6d6
SA Aging as a Noble Time Elemental (x10)
SD +32) weapon to hit
MR 95% unadjusted (50% normal if attacker has time travel)
INT Godlike (21)
SZ L (12' tall)

If Parádoxa is killed, then the psychic shock renders him powerless when it comes to fixing paradoxes in the immediate vicinity of space-time where he was killed. Usually since he only fights to stop a paradox, this results in the creation of an alternate universe branching from the mainstream time line at that point. Only Parádoxa is aware of these time lines and he does not like their creation (It just gives him more work). Needless to say, there are few time lines because it is difficult to kill Parádoxa.

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Note: In 1090, Pelham was not a lich – however he consistently pretended to be one, so it's not surprising that Claira would fall for his illusions
The original writeup says ”+4“, but that was crossed out and ”+3“ written next to it
ozzie_meets_paradoxa.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:56 by