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Psionicist who gathered the ten artifacts of Aurén Ilay together several decades ago. He deliberately killed himself so that his soul would be safely stored in the artifacts and his enemies would not find him. Before he was able to step out of the artifacts, though, they were scattered and not reassembled until 1093. His overly ambitious grand-daughter, Elarion, tried to gather them in 1090 and drew the attention of the Good Party. When she tried to have them killed, they stormed her castle. She died in the resulting battle and the Good Party found the clue that she had uncovered.


Born in the city of Lendore, on the island of Lendore, this man originally was hired by the wizard Sardul in the year 1031 (when Sardul himself was only 29). At this point in time, Melchar already had lost his wife in childbirth and had three children to care for (the eldest of which was a daughter of 22). His two youngest children were seven and six and it soon became apparant that they would only get in his way during his tenure with Sardul. He solved this problem by dumping them on his eldest child (she was not pleased - but was in no position to argue).

Melchar then went off on his own and between the years 1031 and 1033 constructed his castle on Dauthia island off the NE coast of Lendore island. Also during these years, Melchar used his psionic powers (chiefly Object Reading) to trace down and retrieve the ten lost items of Aurén Ilay. Late in the year 1033, he found the last of the ten (the Helm of Demarest). Unfortunately for him, the current elvish king, Lari Dahln, found out (through omens and signs from the elvish god Corellon). The king, operating under the misconception that Melchar's items were of evil nature, sent a stron legion of soldiers and magicians to sieze Melchar and the ten. Though their power was low in comparison to Melchar's, luck was on their side and the wizard was caught in a bad position: his psionic powers were low. In the end, knowing the power of the ten, Melchar destroyed his records and put on all ten items. Then, his spells also exhausted, he attacked a soldier with his dagger. Melchar was easily killed, but his soul was absorbed into the ten artifacts.

When Lari Dahln received the ten artifacts, he dispersed them, thus imprisoning Melchar until they were brought back together on April 17, 1093 (see The Story of Edric and Sardul). Since his records had been destroyed and his association with Sardul was very secretive, no connection with Sardul was ever made. This gave Sardul almost free reign to track down the ten items and claim them for himself. Lari Dahln had given the ten to separate warriors and told them to destroy the artifacts. Each went his own way and each was tracked down by Sardul and killed (except one who was brainwashed and sent back. He was later killed by one of Sardul's assassins).

Meanwhile, Melchar's only son (his second child) was married in 1043 and eventually sired seven children. His youngest daughter, Ela'rion, was a shy, introverted child who was forced to marry a man eight years older than she. When the new husband died on his wedding night, some suspicions were raised and confirmed when Ela'rion skipped town. This was in the year 1078.

Later, Ela'rion became obsessed with the death of her mysteriuos grandfather. She followed in his footsteps and took up the profession of magician so that she could trace down the ten items Melchar had sought.

Now, Sardul had not claimed the ten items for himself because he feared detection by Elsa's Worldwatch spell. So he waited for the right moment. However, before he could go out to claim the ten (which he had hidden and protected), his notes and all material pertaining to the ten were destroyed and his memory selectively erased. This left Sardul with the desire to locate the ten, but nowhere to start.

In the year 1090, Ela'rion uncovered a hidden chamber below Melchar's old castle where she found a cryptic clue to the location of one of the ten. Before she could look for this item, though, fate played a nasty trick on her and led a group of adventurers into her castle. In the ensuing battle, Ela'rion was killed and her goblin troops destroyed. The adventurers were Sorgul, Sly, Rana, and Ozzie.

On April 17, 1093, Melchar suddenly found himself aware again as the ten were assembled. Melchar took advantage of the opportunity and siezed Edric's body and fled. Melchar, now free again on the world separated the ten (knowing that Sardul was inside them) and used them as a threat against Thalna, to take over Sardul's castle. Once settled in, Melchar gave the Helm, the gem, and the sword to the Beholder in the dungeon. These were then taken by Sly on July 21, 1093.

On December 22, 1093, the new demonwraith Solgar returned to see Melchar. In an intense meeting, Solgar let Melchar touch the sceptre of the Dark Mage. Using his psionic powers, Melchar learned of the Dark Mage's imminent return. Stunned by this news and paralyzed by the sceptre, Melchar fled using his psionics. He immediately went to Edric and told him of this news. Edric was distrustful of Melchar, but told Elsa never-the-less.

On December 24, 1093, Melchar was caught in a well-orchestrated ambush from Solgar and Thalna. Solgar used the Dark Mage's sceptre to turn Melchar to stone, while Thalna smashed the stone statue into pieces, ensuring that he would never be able to return to life.

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melchar.1167972910.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:42 (external edit)