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Roderick's “Find The Path” spell will lead the party left toward the “main city” of Kalin. It will take them around the edge of the massive internal “lake” to a set of steep stairs going up into the mountain wall.
Though the party has no easy way to determine this, the interior section of The Long Deep is roughly 300 yards across and around 1,500 yards long. About half of this width was once a lake with hand-hewn stone walls. The lake has long since been boiled away and was about 70% filled with magma. This “filling” was not done evenly - and so there are many paths through the still-warm rock should the party opt to explore them.
Along the way to Einerk's tomb, the party will pass crumbling, ancient dwarven halls that have been marred by devastation - both natural and unnatural. Much of the damage seems to have been caused by collapsed support pillars that were melted by the magma elementals. However, even with the structural strength taken away, much remains - a grand testament to the original dwarven construction.
The first “encounter” the party will have is with Qo'aycin herself. Though it is not *obviously* her. It will be in the form of a voice in their heads. To “hear” the voice, each person must make an INT roll vs. DC15. Those who make will hear a woman's voice say, “Who?” There will be no response if an attempt is made to communicate with the voice. This is because Qo'aycin is still waking up. She will not be fully aware for at least another hour.
The stairs to Einerk's tomb are fairly narrow for typical Dwarven construction. They are only eight feet wide and have an arched ceiling that peaks at ten feet. They rise at nearly a 45 degree angle and go about 100 feet up.
At the top of these stairs is a landing that is 30 feet wide and 40 feet deep. The stairs enter in the middle of one 30' wall and a large, closed double door sits on the opposite 30' wall. Along each 40' wall are eight small alcoves (sixteen in all) that once housed the directories of the dead. These books were taken when the dwarves fled.
The area has been damaged by fire and magma and the wooden double doors have been charred through. A medium sized person could easily step through without opening them.
Directly in front of the door, though, is a dwarven guard. At first, he appears exactly as one would expect a dwarven guard to look. However, after a few seconds, it will become clear that he is insubstantial and ghost-like.
This is, of course, because he *is* a ghost. This is Belfkil, a very lawful guard who did not leave his post during the chaos of Qo'aycin's invasion because his superiors did not give him new orders. Rather than curse his own lack of ingenuity, he feels a great sense of betrayal and bitterly hates his king, Bagnar, for leaving him there.
However, he also hates the “witch” Qo'aycin, because she taunted him mercilessly after the invasion. In fact, when Qo'aycin realized that he only guarded the tombs - and that he was so single-mindedly loyal to his duty, she decided to leave him alone until he starved to death. She helped him along near the end and is the reason he became a ghost.
On a final, sad note, he doesn't fully realize that the battle ended 400 years ago and believes that not only is it still going on, but that his cruel king has left him here so that he couldn't partake in the glory of battle.
Belfkil, Dwarf/Male/Ghost, Fighter/7, Dwarven Defender/3: CR 12; Size M (4'2“ tall); HD 10d12+3; hp 73; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 20'/30' fly (perfect); AC 12 (+1 Dex, +1 Deflection) or AC 20 (+1 Dex, +1 Dodge, +8 Full Plate); Attack +13/+8 melee, or +11/+6 ranged; SV Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +4; AL LE; Str 16, Dex 13, Con –, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 11.
Languages Spoken: Rotan, Dwarven.
Skills: Craft (Armorsmithing) +2, Craft (Blacksmithing) +2, Craft (Stonemasonry) +2, Craft (Trapmaking) +2, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +8, Handle Animal +6, Hide +9, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (Geography) +3, Listen +10, Move Silently +1, Search +8, Spot +10, Survival +0
Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Endurance, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (waraxe, dwarven), Improved Initiative, Quick Draw, Rapid Reload (crossbow, light), Toughness.
Special: Defensive Stance 2/day, Uncanny Dodge.
Ghost Special Attacks (always on):
Corrupting Gaze (2d10 + 1d4 CHA unless Fort save vs. DC 15) Horrific Appearance (1d4 from STR, DEX, and CON - Fort save vs. DC 15) Manifestation (he is always manifested, 50% chance for any attack to miss) Turn Resistance: +4 (HD14)
Ghost Special Attacks (standard action):
Corrupting/Draining Touch (+11/+6 melee, 1d6 + 1d4 from any Ability) Frightful Moan (Panic for 2d4 rounds - Will save vs. DC 15) Malevolence (unlikely to use this - if so, Will save vs. DC 15) Telekinesis (CL12, unlikely to use)
While Belfkil is in "guard" mode, he will appear as a normal dwarven guard (though he is clearly insubstantial). However, once the party challenges him or tries to go past, he will switch to "scary" mode. This will involve doing a frightful moan as his first action - as well as turning on his always-on effects. All within 30' must save vs. the corrupting gaze (Fort DC 15) and the frightful moan (Will DC 15). Those within 60' must save vs. the horrific appearance (Fort DC 15). Anyone left who comes within striking distance, will get attacked with his corrupting/draining touch attack.
Beyond Belfkil's door is a labyrinth of crypts and tombs that extend back and down. There are several levels varying in prestige from lowly worker to major dignitary. Several of these tombs have been disturbed by the magma elementals (and Qo'aycin) during the early years of the imprisonment. There is no significant treasure here - though some of the crypts have been broken and sentimental items and family heirlooms have spilled out. The only ones which remain are those the magma elementals weren't interested in.
Roderick's spell will lead the party on a winding path through the chambers, down two levels directly to a smashed tomb set against a wall. At first, it will appear that they have found their destination, but the writing on the tomb has the name, “Nolum” and the wall behind the tomb has an archway set into the stone. Clever members of the party may realize that this was once an open passage, which was sealed over at some point (probably with a Wall of Stone spell or equivalent). If they do not realize this on their own, tell Roderick that his spell points *through* this tomb and into the wall behind it.
When the party arrives at the wall, they will again hear Qo'aycin's voice. This time, the voice is louder and clearer and the DC to hear it is only 13. It says simply: “Where?”. She is beginning to realize what is happening…
Through a relatively thin wall (only 2” thick) sits a large sealed chamber (40' wide and 80' long). It still contains breathable air which will be preserved if the party can figure out how to enter the room quickly (or with magic) and re-seal the wall behind them. The pressure in the sealed room is higher, so the party will quickly notice the air.
Immediately beyond the wall is a Stone Golem (114 hp). If a small hole is opened, it will appear to be a statue - and is only about a foot away from the wall. Once a large enough hole is formed, a deep voice will say in Dwarven, “Unescorted visitors are not allowed past this point.” The message will then repeat in Rotan (though it will be an old dialect). If anybody attempts to enter the room, the golem will attack.
The room is segmented into two 40×40 sections. At the arched entrance into the second chamber, another Stone Golem stands (94 hp). This one is programmed the same way as the first and will only attack if passage to the second chamber is attempted. Thus, the party has the luxury of fighting these creatures one at a time!
In the first of the two chambers are a number of very high profile crypts. None have been disturbed and none will be of interest to the party, except for historical reasons. The most prominent is that of King Oskor, a famous king - the father of his house and the great-grandfather of Queen Morif.
The most prominent crypt in the second chamber is that of Queen Morif. However, Roderick's spell will point to a smaller one along the wall.
Einerk's tomb is ornate, though small. Its top has a relief of a dwarven warrior, with hands outstretched in a stance to hold a Dwarven Waraxe. If his axe is placed in the stone hands, Einerk himself will appear to reveal to the party the whole story of his quest to find the “dark crystals”.
He will encourage the party to unseal his tomb - where they will find a Drow teleport chain, along with a couple dozen dead spiders. (Occasionally, the chain flares up and spiders from the other side wander through. Because of Qo'aycin's prison, though, the chain does not work in the other direction).
Einerk will then tell them not to use the chain until “the dancer flies across the face of the first full moon of spring”. This is because the Drow will be celebrating a religious holiday and will not be on guard as much as usual.
At this point, the party will again hear Qo'aycin's voice. This time, though, it is much clearer and all will hear it. She says, “Arise, my soldiers!”
IX. A new kind of elemental
The stats for the Magma Elementals, should they be needed:
Small Medium Large
HD ………. 4d8+12 (30) 8d8+32 (68) 16d8+80 (152) Init …….. +7 +8 +10 AC ………. 18 (+1/+1/+6) 19 (+0/+2/+7) 20 (-1/+3/+8) (Size/Dex/Natural) Base Attack . +3 +6 +12 / Grapple … +6 +15 +26 Attack …… Slam +6 Slam +10 Slam +18
or Ranged +4 Ranged +8 Ranged +15
Full Attack . Slam +6 2 Slams +10 2 Slams +18
or Ranged +4 2 Ranged +8 2 Ranged +15
Damage …… 1d6+3 + extra 2d6+4 + extra 2d8+6 + extra Space/Reach . 5/5 5/5 10/10 Damage Red .. 5/- 5/- 5/- Saves: Fort . +5 +7 +12
Ref .. +5 +8 +14 Will . +1 +2 +16
Abil: Str .. 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 23 (+6)
Dex .. 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) Con .. 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) Int .. 4 (-3) 6 (-2) 6 (-2) Wis .. 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) Cha .. 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0)
Skills …… +3/+4 +5/+6 +11/+12 (Listen/Spot) Challenge … CR 4 CR 6 CR 8
Common to all sizes:
Speed: 30 feet (moves by flowing and starts fires where it moves) Feats: Improved Initiative (+4), Cleave, Power Attack Special Attacks: Earth mastery (as Earth Elemental), Pyroclastic attack Special Qualities: Darkvision, Elemental, Immune to Fire, Vulnerable to Cold
The pyroclastic attack:
Any successful hit (melee or ranged) deals an additional 1d6 fire damage to the target. This damage is caused by sticky magma that adheres to the victim and will continue to cause 1d6 damage per round for three more rounds (4d6 fire damage total). The victim may expend a move action to remove the sticky goo (and stop further damage), but if they use their bare hands, they will take 1d6 more fire damage.
If the attack misses the target's armor class, but hits their "touch" AC, then the fire damage is inflicted on their armor. Consult the tables on page 166 of the PHB to determine whether this is a problem or not.
The ranged version of this attack has a range increment of 20'
X. Challenges Overcome: (six players participated)
11 12 11 12
1 Ghost CR 12 4,950 3,600 825 600 6 Saving the air CR 7 825 600 825 600 2 Stone Golems CR 11 3,300 2,400 1,100 800
2,750 2,000 Total 2,750 2,000 Rounded