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v2session26 [2008/02/10 10:30] – created jimsv2session26 [2017/05/27 18:57] (current) – external edit
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 | Val | [[Allie]] | [[Lesser Aasimar]] | Favored Soul/7, Ranger/1 | | Val | [[Allie]] | [[Lesser Aasimar]] | Favored Soul/7, Ranger/1 |
-//Note: This adventure comes from +//Note: This adventure comes from  
-"[[|Fortress +"[[|Fortress  
-of the Yuan-ti]]", by Ari Marmell, as published by +of the Yuan-ti]]", by Ari Marmell, as published by  
-[[|Wizards of the Coast]].//+[[|Wizards of the Coast]].  **In addition, the  
 +alternate ending described on the author's web site]] was used.**//
 === 15 October 1111 === === 15 October 1111 ===
-**//coming soon...//**+The party rests for the night so they can enter the Tower of the Worlds fresh.  
 +[[Ketamine]] spends the time brewing some potions in the Chambers of Creation,  
 +with a little help from [[Freyrik]]. 
 +Zoldathra offers some additional details about what the party will find in the  
 +Tower -- including the claim that he "had the demons protecting the portal  
 +chamber dispelled"
 +=== 16 October 1111 === 
 +[[Ketamine]] successfully reassembles the King's Scepter, with help from a  
 +Dwarven Artisan who was held as a slave by the Yuan-ti. 
 +//Area D9)// Summit Chamber 
 +As the party prepares to use the portal to enter the Tower of the Worlds,  
 +[[Freyrik]] notices a small, invisible chest sitting next to the wall to the  
 +right of the portal.  After requesting that everybody stand back, he opens it to  
 +find three **//potions of Delay Poison//**, some kind of **//luck gem//**, and a  
 +letter of introduction from an unknown benefactor: 
 +| //My friends,\\ \\ I have watched your progress with great interest since your arrival at \\ the Barrow of King Theron.\\ \\ In that time, I regret that I have only been able to assist you \\ indirectly for fear that our mutual enemies would discover my existence\\ and the conflict would escalate into a war that would engulf the \\ innocents in this region.\\ \\ Now, however, my divinations have shown that the enemy’s ritual has \\ reached a point where the risk of exposure pales in comparison to the \\ risk of failure.\\ \\ Still, I must tread lightly.  I believe the House already knows I am \\ here – but they hopefully remain ignorant of my role so far.\\ \\ In this chest, I offer what help I can provide with the limited \\ preparation at my disposal.  Save the potions until you find the king’s \\ bones – but do not delay in using them once you do!\\ \\ The gem will grant luck to the first of you who touches it. Choose \\ carefully – for once granted, the luck cannot be transferred.\\ \\ May the gods shine on your day so that one day soon I am able to \\ introduce myself properly.//  | 
 +|  {{manorgrax_sigil.jpg?100|Dragon Seal}} | 
 +//Area S1)// The Portal Chamber 
 +The party steps through the portal into the center of a large, empty room with  
 +corpses in varying stages of decay hanging by chains and rusty hooks from the  
 +ceiling Either Zoldathra's claim about the demons was true -- or there were no  
 +demons to begin with.  This room is free of threats. 
 +{{nagatha.jpg?200 |A Nagatha}} 
 +//Area S2)// The Vestibule 
 +The party encounter (and kill) a pair of Nagathas and a Fiendish Medusa (named  
 +Effandra).  The Medusa's purpose was to protect the door leading to the  
 +Sacramental Chamber. 
 +//Area S3)// Endless Stair 
 +Per instructions from Zoldathra, [[Heilli]] speaks the pass phrase, "I spill my  
 +life for Sertrous" in Yuan-Ti to (allegedly) disable the magical trap beyond  
 +the door. 
 +Beyond the door, a seemingly endless stairway rises into the darkness.  Precious  
 +minutes are spent climbing this stair, but no hazards are encountered. 
 +//Area S4)// The Sacramental Chamber 
 +Sulvaugren, the leader of the Vanguard of Sertrous is found in the midst of his  
 +//Sacrament of the Risen Abyss// A long, protracted fight ensues -- in which  
 +he is killed and the shield, [[Aegis Inviolable]] is retrieved. 
 +{{ sulvaugren.jpg|Sulvaugren during the Sacrament}} 
 +Upon his death, the party hears the "voice" of the dead king, Theron -- who tells 
 +them that despite Sulvaugren's death, they have "lost" and Sertrous will rise. 
 +As his last (and only) act of defiance, he grants the party some of his mystical 
 +power so that they can (hopefully) defeat "The Risen King"
 +In the end, the party proves capable of the task and the Risen King is destroyed. 
 +====== ====== 
 +**For the next few gaming sessions, we switched back to the [[Voyager]]  
 +campaign, beginning with [[voyager91|Session #91 (29 February 2008)]].** 
 ^ # ^ Challenge ^  CR  ^ ^ # ^ Challenge ^  CR  ^
-| 1 | //TBD// |  //TBD//  | +| 1 | Effandra, Fiendish Medusa |   | 
-| 2 | //TBD// |  //TBD//  | +| 2 | Nagathas |   | 
-| 1 | //TBD// |  //TBD//  | +| 1 | Sulvaugren |  11  | 
-| 1 | //TBD// |  //TBD//  | +| 1 | The Risen King |  11  | 
-| 1 | //TBD// |  //TBD//  | +| 1 | Ad Hoc: Returning the Bones |   | 
-^ ^ Total XP (each) ^  //TBD//<sup>8</sup>\\ //TBD//<sup>7</sup>  ^+^ ^ Total XP (each) ^  2,690<sup>8</sup>\\ 3,200<sup>7</sup>  ^
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v2session26.1202661053.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:45 (external edit)