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V2 Session Twenty-Two - 21 December 2007 - "Fortress of the Yuan-Ti" (part 3)
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Player | Character | Race | Class |
Dave | Freyrik | Human(Feytouched) | Warlock/7 |
Ken | Ash | Human(Aasimar) | Paladin/5 |
VW | Heilli | Human | Illumine Soul/1, Soulknife/5, Psion/1 |
Kurt | Ketamine | Crag Gnome | Barbarian/1, Witch/6 |
Chris | Yosi | Wood Elf | Barbarian/7 |
Val | Allie | Human(Aasimar) | Favored Soul/6, Ranger/1 |
Note: This adventure comes from “Fortress of the Yuan-ti”, by Ari Marmell, as published by Wizards of the Coast.
13 October 1111
Area Y1) Staging Area
After dispatching the Lizardfolk guards, the party uses their keys to open the door at the top of the stairs. Inside, the find themselves at the base of the highest (middle) tower. A man-sized bronze dragon drops down from a high balcony, claiming to be an abused captive. Up on the balcony, a Yuan-ti wizard begins casting spells.
During the initial instant of doubt, the dragon positions himself so that his lightning “breath” can affect as many of the characters as possible. This, of course, erases any doubt about the dragon's intentions.
When the battle is over, both the dragon and the wizard are dead. From the wizard (who they later learn was named “Issiel”), the party gets 2 potions of levitate, bracers of armor +4, and two keys (which they find go to areas Y2 and Y3). From the dragon, they get a pair of gloves of arrow snaring.
Area Y2) Map Room
This room contains numerous scroll cases, sheaves of parchment, and cartographers' tools. In the scroll tubes and on the table are many maps – which the party gathers in case they will be useful. While many of the maps are of places they do not recognize, some are places they know – including the “Barrow of the Forgotten King”, the Underdark city of Pedestal, and the area around Kingsholm.
Over the table, Ketamine pries a 2-foot by 4-foot mirror of polished silver off the wall (It is worth 1,000 gp). Also, among the scroll tubes, Freyrik finds a scroll of explosive runes, magic mouth and sepia snake sigil.
Area Y3) Living Quarters
Under a false bottom in the wardrobe, the party finds Issiel's Spellbook.
Area K19) The Heart of Darkness
Returning back to the main part of the fortress, the party goes back to the
Barracks (K16A) and takes the secret passage up to Level 4. They emerge into a
vast room where the air is desert-dry and carries a foul scent. An evil
effect permeates the region and causes most of the party to become “shaken”. In
the center of the room stands a three-tiered ziggurat of black marble – each
tier ten feet tall.
Area K20) The Black Ziggurat
Resting on the far side of the Ziggurat is a Yuan-ti Abomination and a pair of
Purebloods. As they are on the first tier, they use ranged weapons to attack
the party. However, the party's ranged weapons prove superior and in the end,
the Yuan-ti are killed.
From atop the ziggurat, Ketamine (in bird form) recovers a pair of
lesser bracers of archery.
Area K21) The Gate Room
In addition to mundane sloping passageways up and down, the party finds three
more portals here. While the middle one has a single bolt of electricity
across it like the five in area Y5, the other two are covered in an electric
From this and the other seven portals (as well as the portal they took from “The
Sinister Spire” to here), the party deduces that the portals have three states:
* Inactive: No electricity present
* Active: A single electric bolt
* Open: An electric field
As only “Open” portals can be used, Ash retrieves the key he used to open
the gate from Fadheela's lair. After some experimentation, though, it appears
to have no effect on these gates. A series of gemstones are set into the stone
around the gates, though, and the party decides that the means to activate the
gates must somehow involve these gems.
Not willing to trust their fate to these gates just yet, the party opts to
continue exploring the “mundane” way.
Area K22) The Outer Balcony
Area P1) Chamber of Purification
Area P2) Landing
Area P3) Main Sanctuary
Fight Vsolt, a Yuan-ti Dread Necromancer and two Yuan-ti Halfblood Skeletons.
From Vsolt, the party gets a potion of barkskin, a potion of
levitate, a wand (which contains some kind of Necromancy spell,
+1 studded leather armor, a cloak of resistance +1, and 4 onyxes
(worth 100 gp).
Because of Vsolt's importance to the Vanguard, the party earns three action
points for defeating him.
^ # ^ Challenge ^ CR ^
| 1 | Issiel, Master of the Way | 6 |
| 1 | Snapwing | 7 |
| 1 | Yuan-ti Abomination | 7 |
| 2 | Yuan-ti Purebloods | 3 |
| 1 | Vsolt, Dread Necromancer | 7 |
| 2 | Yuan-ti Halfblood Skeletons | 3 |
^ ^ Total XP (each) ^ 1,6307
2,0506 ^
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