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v2session22 [2007/12/20 21:00] – created jimsv2session22 [2017/05/27 18:57] (current) – external edit
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 ^ Player ^ Character ^ Race ^ Class ^ ^ Player ^ Character ^ Race ^ Class ^
 | Dave | [[Freyrik]] | Human(Feytouched) | Warlock/7 | | Dave | [[Freyrik]] | Human(Feytouched) | Warlock/7 |
-| Ken | [[Ash]] | Human(Aasimar| Paladin/5 |+| Ken | [[Ash]] | Aasimar | Paladin/5 |
 | VW | [[Heilli]] | Human | Illumine Soul/1, Soulknife/5, Psion/1 | | VW | [[Heilli]] | Human | Illumine Soul/1, Soulknife/5, Psion/1 |
 | Kurt | [[Ketamine]] | [[Crag Gnome]] | Barbarian/1, [[Witch]]/6 | | Kurt | [[Ketamine]] | [[Crag Gnome]] | Barbarian/1, [[Witch]]/6 |
 | Chris | [[Yosi]] | Wood Elf | Barbarian/7 | | Chris | [[Yosi]] | Wood Elf | Barbarian/7 |
-| Val | [[Allie]] | Human(Aasimar| Favored Soul/6, Ranger/1 |+| Val | [[Allie]] | [[Lesser Aasimar]] | Favored Soul/6, Ranger/1 |
 //Note: This adventure comes from  //Note: This adventure comes from 
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 [[|Wizards of the Coast]].// [[|Wizards of the Coast]].//
-=== 11 October 1111 ===+=== 13 October 1111 ===
-//coming soon...//+//Area Y1)// Staging Area 
 +After dispatching the Lizardfolk guards, the party uses their keys to open the  
 +door at the top of the stairs.  Inside, the find themselves at the base of the  
 +highest (middle) tower.  A man-sized **bronze dragon** drops down from a high  
 +balcony, claiming to be an abused captive.  Up on the balcony, a Yuan-ti wizard  
 +begins casting spells. 
 +During the initial instant of doubt, the dragon positions himself so that his  
 +lightning "breath" can affect as many of the characters as possible.  This, 
 +of course, erases any doubt about the dragon's intentions. 
 +When the battle is over, both the dragon and the wizard are dead.  From the  
 +wizard (who they later learn was named "Issiel"), the party gets **2 potions**  
 +of //levitate//, **//bracers of armor +4//**, and two keys (which they find go  
 +to areas Y2 and Y3).  From the dragon, they get a pair of  
 +gloves of arrow snaring]]//**. 
 +{{ v2-22-portal.jpg|The portals -- as found throughout "The Fortress of the Yuan-ti"}} 
 +//Area Y2)// Map Room 
 +This room contains numerous scroll cases, sheaves of parchment, and  
 +cartographers' tools.  In the scroll tubes and on the table are many maps -- 
 +which the party gathers in case they will be useful.  While many of the maps are  
 +of places they do not recognize, some are places they know -- including the  
 +"Barrow of the Forgotten King", the Underdark city of Pedestal, and the area  
 +around [[Kingsholm]]. 
 +Over the table, [[Ketamine]] pries a 2-foot by 4-foot **mirror of polished  
 +silver** off the wall (It is worth 1,000 gp).  Also, among the scroll tubes,  
 +[[Freyrik]] finds a **scroll** of //explosive runes//, //magic mouth// and  
 +//sepia snake sigil//. 
 +//Area Y3)// Living Quarters 
 +Under a false bottom in the wardrobe, the party finds **Issiel's Spellbook**.  
 +((0-level -- All except conjuration and transmutation, 1st -- //charm person//,  
 +//ray of enfeeblement//, //magic missile//, //shield//, //alarm//, //burning  
 +hands//, //hypnotism//, //Tenser's floating disk//, //true strike//, 2nd -- 
 +//blur//, //invisibility//, //Tasha's hideous laughter//, //touch of idiocy//,  
 +//daze monster//, 3rd -- //deep slumber//, //dispel magic//, //lightning bolt//)) 
 +//Area Y4)// The Winding Stair 
 +This long stairway merely connects the "Staging Area" with "The Lower Landing"
 +//Area Y5)// The Lower Landing 
 +Here is where Issiel, "The Master of the Way" fought.  It also houses seven  
 +portals -- five of which have a single bolt of electricity arcing across their  
 +middles, while the remaining two radiate strong magic, but have no electricity.  
 +(See area K21 for more on these portals). 
 +//Area Y6)// The Upper Landing 
 +This unused area once may have looked out over the fields below.  Now, though,  
 +it is entirely sealed off (apparently by magical stone shaping spells).((The  
 +combat encounter in this area was excised from the module-as-written)) 
 +//Area K19)// The Heart of Darkness 
 +Returning back to the main part of the fortress, the party goes back to the  
 +Barracks (K16A) and takes the secret passage up to Level 4.  They emerge into a  
 +vast room where the air is desert-dry and carries a foul scent.  An //evil//  
 +effect permeates the region and causes most of the party to become "shaken" In  
 +the center of the room stands a three-tiered ziggurat of black marble -- each  
 +tier ten feet tall. 
 +//Area K20)// The Black Ziggurat 
 +Resting on the far side of the Ziggurat is a Yuan-ti Abomination and a pair of  
 +Purebloods.  As they are on the first tier, they use ranged weapons to attack  
 +the party.  However, the party's ranged weapons prove superior and in the end,  
 +the Yuan-ti are killed. 
 +From atop the ziggurat, [[Ketamine]] (in bird form) recovers a pair of  
 +lesser bracers of archery]]//**. 
 +//Area K21)// The Gate Room 
 +In addition to mundane sloping passageways up and down, the party finds three 
 +more portals here.  While the middle one has a single bolt of electricity 
 +across it like the five in area Y5, the other two are covered in an electric 
 +From this and the other seven portals (as well as the portal they took from "The  
 +Sinister Spire" to here), the party deduces that the portals have three states: 
 +  * Inactive: No electricity present 
 +  * Active: A single electric bolt 
 +  * Open: An electric field 
 +As only "Open" portals can be used, [[Ash]] retrieves the key he used to open  
 +the gate from Fadheela's lair.  After some experimentation, though, it appears  
 +to have no effect on these gates.  A series of gemstones are set into the stone  
 +around the gates, though, and the party decides that the means to activate the  
 +gates must somehow involve these gems. 
 +Not willing to trust their fate to these gates just yet, the party opts to  
 +continue exploring the "mundane" way. 
 +//Area K22)// The Outer Balcony 
 +//Area P1)// Chamber of Purification 
 +//Area P2)// Landing 
 +//Area P3)// Main Sanctuary 
 +Fight Vsolt, a Yuan-ti Dread Necromancer and two Yuan-ti Halfblood Skeletons.  
 +From Vsolt, the party gets a **potion** of //barkskin//, a **potion** of  
 +//levitate//, a **//wand//** (which contains some kind of Necromancy spell,  
 +**//+1 studded leather armor//**, a **//cloak of resistance +1//**, and 4 onyxes  
 +(worth 100 gp). 
 +Because of Vsolt's importance to the Vanguard, the party //earns **three action  
 +points**// for defeating him. 
 +//One session closer to the TPK...//
 ^ # ^ Challenge ^  CR  ^ ^ # ^ Challenge ^  CR  ^
-//TBD// //TBD// |  //TBD//  | +Issiel, Master of the Way |  6  | 
-^ ^ Total XP (each) ^  //TBD//<sup>7</sup>\\ //TBD//<sup>6</sup>  ^+| 1 | Snapwing |  7  | 
 +| 1 | Yuan-ti Abomination |  7  | 
 +| 2 | Yuan-ti Purebloods |  3  | 
 +| 1 | Vsolt, Dread Necromancer |  7  | 
 +| 2 | Yuan-ti Halfblood Skeletons |  3  | 
 +^ ^ Total XP (each) ^  1,630<sup>7</sup>\\ 2,050<sup>6</sup>  ^
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v2session22.1198206015.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:45 (external edit)