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The Sister Harp
(Origin unknown)
This beautiful harp stands about one foot tall and is made of gold inlaid into hard wood. The strings are silvery in appearance. A Bard can play the harp and invoke any spell that can be reasonably justified by the use of sonics or music. Included in this category are all curative spells (from Cure Light Wounds to Restoration). The harp has nine charges at its fullest, and these charges restore at one per day.
Currently, the harp resides at Sorgul's commune.
D&D 3.5 Description:
Spells cost a number of charges equal to its level.
Certain spells are outside the realm of possibility for the harp. These include Wish, Limited Wish, Alter Reality, Miracle, etc. However, variations of other spells may be allowed if the special effects are reasonable.
In the hands of a non-Bard, the harp has a chance of failure equal to that of reading a scroll (including class restrictions). Thus, a Cleric could play the harp to sing a spell such as Restoration, but would have a chance to fail unless he were 16th level or higher. That same cleric could never cast an arcane spell. Similarly, a Fighter could not cast any spell at all.
AD&D Description:
A Magic-User spell cost a number of charges equal to its level. Other classes of spells cost a like number of charges, however levels 4-5 cost 5-6 points respectively, and levels 6-7 cost 8-9 points. Thus, a seventh level Cleric or Illusionist spell costs the same as a ninth level MU spell.
Certain spells are outside the realm of possibility for the harp. These include Wish, Limited Wish, Alter Reality, etc. However, variations of other spells may be allowed if the special effects are reasonable.
In the hands of a non-Bard, the harp has a chance of failure equal to that of reading a scroll (including class restrictions). Thus, a Cleric could play the harp to sing a spell such as Restoration, but would have a chance to fail unless he were 16th level or higher. That same cleric could never cast a magic-user spell. Similarly, a Fighter could not cast any spell at all.