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Ombar is actually two cities: The above-ground mixed-race town known as “Ombar” and the dwarf-only tunnels known as the “Undercity”. The latter requires a “badge of entry” to get past the guards. These badges can sometimes be bought – but are most often earned by providing services to someone powerful.
Adjacent towns
- East: Imlargest
Approximately 2500; mixed dwarf and human.
In the year 1130, the tyrant Lord Undil (known to the citizens as “Great Leader”) was deposed by a group of adventurers. It was revealed that “Great Leader” was actually a Doppelganger and the original Lord Undil had been killed many years earlier.
Now, the city is ruled by a five-person council made up of representatives from the various factions:
- “The Resistance” – A group instrumental in the recent coup
- Tradesmen – The most powerful (and wealthy) group in the city
- Military – City guard and the Ranger corps
- Clergy – A small (mostly symbolic) group led by the only Human on the council: Athaff, a Cleric to the war goddess, Nike
- Laborers – The weakest of the groups. Their representative on the council is tasked with the nigh-impossible task of helping the plight of the “common” man.
Notable Places
- The Fey Theatre: A grand stone-walled theatre.
ombar.1613602617.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/17 16:56 by jims