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nanietharil [2007/12/08 14:52] jimsnanietharil [2017/05/27 18:56] (current) – external edit
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 ==== Nanietharil ==== ==== Nanietharil ====
-{{ nanietharil.jpg?200}}+{{ nanietharil.jpg}} 
 +//Note: This magic item was created by Ari Marmell 
 +and appears in the module 
 +"Fortress of the Yuan-ti"]], as published by [[
 +Wizards of the Coast LLC]].//
 Nanietharil is one of the legacy items used by King Theron ("The Forgotten King") Nanietharil is one of the legacy items used by King Theron ("The Forgotten King")
 and his entourage in the early days of the third age.  It was found by [[V2]] in and his entourage in the early days of the third age.  It was found by [[V2]] in
-the year 1111, along with the staff [[Banrhialorg]] and the sword [[Merthúvial]].+the year 1111, along with the staff [[Banrhialorg]]the sword [[Merthúvial]], 
 +and the shield [[Aegis Inviolable]].
 //Nanietharil// -- or "Gift of the Ancient foe" -- is a set of scale mail //Nanietharil// -- or "Gift of the Ancient foe" -- is a set of scale mail
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   * Proficient in Medium armor.   * Proficient in Medium armor.
   * Any two of the following: Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks, Hide 4 ranks, Survival 4 ranks.   * Any two of the following: Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks, Hide 4 ranks, Survival 4 ranks.
-  * Only those of either elven or orc blood can use the abilities of the shield for 11th level and higher.+  * Only those of either elven or orc blood can use the abilities of the armor for 11th level and higher.((This entry may be a typo.  The module says "abilities of the //shield//", so it may be a cut-and-paste error from another legacy item.  However, I have chosen to keep it as is and replace the word "shield" with "armor"))
 == Penalties and Abilities == == Penalties and Abilities ==
-^  Wielder\\ Level  ^  Attack\\ Penalty  ^  Hit Point\\ Loss  ^ Spell Slot\\ Loss  ^ Abilities  ^+^  Wielder\\ Level  ^  Attack\\ Penalty  ^  Hit Point\\ Loss  ^ Spell Slot\\ Loss((Not sure why this column is here since spellcasting is not listed as a prerequisite))  ^ Abilities  ^
 |   5th  |  --  |  --  |  --   | One with the wild | |   5th  |  --  |  --  |  --   | One with the wild |
 |   6th  |  --  |    |  1st  | Walk unseen | |   6th  |  --  |    |  1st  | Walk unseen |
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 == Legacy Item Abilities == == Legacy Item Abilities ==
 +**One With the Wild (Su)**: You gain a +5 competence bonus on wild empathy 
 +checks. If you do not already have the wild empathy ability, you ins read gain 
 +this ability as a druid of your character level -2.
 +**Walk Unseen (Su)**: You gain a +5 competence bonus on Hide checks.
 +**Walk Unheard (Su)**: You gain a +5 competence bonus on Move Silently checks.
 +**Voice of the wild (Sp)**: With a command word, you can use //speak with animals//
 +(as the spell) five times per day.
 +**Armor of the wild (Su)**: You retain all the benefits and abilities of 
 +//Nanietharil// when you use the wild shape ability. (Other forms of 
 +shapechanging, such as //polymorph// spells, do not apply.)
 +**Predator's Dash (Su)**: Your base land speed increases by 10 feet.
 +**Shape of the Wild (Su)**: You gain one additional daily use of your wild shape 
 +ability. This additional use cannot be used to transform into an elemental, and 
 +you do not gain the wild shape ability if you do nor already have it.
 == History == == History ==
 +//currently unknown//
 == Legacy Rituals == == Legacy Rituals ==
-Three rituals are required to unlock all the abilities of Nanietharil.+Two rituals are required to unlock all the abilities of //Nanietharil//. 
 +**A Matter of Honor**: //currently unknown//
 +**An Echo of Old Alliances**: //currently unknown//
 \\ [[start|Back to start page]] \\ [[start|Back to start page]]
nanietharil.1197147128.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:42 (external edit)