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A small town in the Skaalheim barony in Southern Rota.

Note: This town comes from “Barrow of the Forgotten King”, by Ed Stark, as published by Wizards of the Coast.

Kingholm is a sleepy little town that borders on the Den'Dray Hills, home to numerous tribes of Goblins and the like. Despite the proximity, raids from the hills have (up until quite recently) been almost non-existant. The locals believe this protection comes from the magic of an ancient cemetery.

Kingsholm (Small Town): Conventional; AL LG ; 577 gp limit; Assets 49,824 gp; Population: 1,732; Mixed (75% human, 11% dwarf, 7% halfling, 4% gnome, 3% other). Authority Figures: Town Speaker Phodor Landros (LG male human aristocrat 3), leader of the town council (currently away on business); Ian Turbrand (LG male human expert 4), town councilor and innkeeper of the Coronet and Cabbage Inn. Important Characters: Banjatha Minwitten (N female gnome diviner 3), town councilor and most potent local arcanist; Egden Frumm (LN male human commoner 7), town councilor and oldest and most respected farmer in town; Gran Stoutbrace (LG male dwarf expert 3), town councilor and owner of the Kingsholm General Store; Hergon Hilltopple (CG male halfling rogue 1/cleric 2 of Olidammara), town councilor and most powerful divine spellcaster; Sannl Ungart (LN female dwarf expert 6), town councilor and trade overseer.

Town Guard: Mia Desarna (LG female human warrior 4), captain of the guard; two 3rd-level warriors; seven 2nd-level warriors; ten 1st-level warriors; one 2nd-level ranger; and three 1st-level rangers. The militia can call on about seventy other individuals.

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kingsholm.1183251951.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:42 (external edit)