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gruumsh [2009/05/25 21:16] – created jimsgruumsh [2022/08/22 14:13] (current) jims
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-==== Gruumsh ====+====== Gruumsh ======
-Primary orc god.  In the year II:1929, Gruumsh fought the [[Dark Mage]] (with+Historical primary [[orc_gods|Orc god]].  In the year II:1929, Gruumsh fought the [[Dark Mage]] (with
 help from [[Hades]]) to a standstill.  This angered Gruumsh so much that he diverted help from [[Hades]]) to a standstill.  This angered Gruumsh so much that he diverted
 a large meteor to strike the mage's castle.  The resulting explosion created a large meteor to strike the mage's castle.  The resulting explosion created
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 As punishment for this crime, the other gods imprisoned Gruumsh in a massive As punishment for this crime, the other gods imprisoned Gruumsh in a massive
 pyramid on "prison plane 121" (see [[voyager61|Voyager #60-66]]). pyramid on "prison plane 121" (see [[voyager61|Voyager #60-66]]).
 +In III:1131, Gruumsh was freed from his prison by [[cherai_campaign|The Boondock Saints]] 
 +in an attempt to bring about the end of "The King in Yellow" In the process, Gruumsh was
 +killed by a Chaos Beast.
gruumsh.1243304170.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:41 (external edit)