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These are the three scrolls found in Fadheela's lair at the end of "V2" Session #19:
Scroll One
My Lord Gazaron,
Hail the Vanguard of Sertrous!
As you see, I am good to my word. Through Fadheela, I have sent you the bones and most of the items you requested. I still search for Merthúvial as I write this – the blade is hidden well. I hope the Vanguard is pleased.
You would do well, my lord, to consider your contract with the hobgoblin mercenaries breached. The brutes went on a looting spree that almost compromised the entire mission. Should you desire it, I volunteer to deal with Krootad – their leader, if you remember – myself.
Scroll Two
You have our thanks for sending the bones and items to us here in the fortress. With the king's bones in hand, the prophecy is about to be bent to the will of the Vanguard of Sertrous! However, two of the items are missing from what you sent - Merthúvial and Banrhialorg. Please explain this discrepancy.
Scroll Three
I understand your concern about the performance of Xeron. In light of his failure to secure Merthúvial, we have agreed that your punishment was justified.
However, we cannot acknowledge your claim on Banrhialorg. That item is worth far more than any perceived slight against you by our servant. Unless you pass Banrhialorg on as expected, you will be considered in breach of your contract and will be considered an enemy of both the Vanguard of Sertrous and of the House of the Circlet.