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banrhialorg [2007/10/31 00:31] jimsbanrhialorg [2017/05/27 18:56] (current) – external edit
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 {{ banrhialorg.jpg?200}} {{ banrhialorg.jpg?200}}
-Banrhialorg is a finely tapered staff of ash wood shod with unblemished gold on its foot and a golden draconic head with sapphire eyes and a ruby tongue on its topClose examination reveals that the faint lines and veins in the wood form a sequence of arcane runes that repeat down the staff's length.+//Note: This magic item was created by Bruce RCordell and Ari Marmell 
 +and appears in the module 
 +"The Sinister Spire"]], as published by [[
 +Wizards of the Coast LLC]].//
-**Nonlegacy Game Statistics**: Masterwork quarterstaff that also functions as a //Lesser metamagic rod of “Extend Spell”.//; Cost 3,600 gp.+Banrhialorg is one of the legacy items used by King Theron ("The Forgotten  
 +King") and his entourage in the early days of the third age It was found by  
 +[[V2]] in the year 1111, along with the sword [[Merthúvial]], the armor  
 +[[Nanietharil]]and the shield [[Aegis Inviolable]].
-**Omen**: When an arcane spellcaster grasps the staff the +//Banrhialorg// (Celestial for "Queen's Staff") is a finely tapered staff of ash  
-golden head's sapphire eyes flash with lightning and its +wood shod with unblemished gold on its foot and a golden draconic head with  
-tongue burns with fire, shedding light like a candle. The +sapphire eyes and a ruby tongue on its top. Close examination reveals that the  
-wielder can suppress this display as a free action, bur it +faint lines and veins in the wood form a sequence of arcane runes that repeat  
-returns when the wielder picks up the staff anew.+down the staff's length. 
 +**Nonlegacy Game Statistics**: Masterwork quarterstaff that also functions as a  
 +//Lesser metamagic rod of "Extend Spell"//; Cost 3,600 gp. 
 +**Omen**: When an arcane spellcaster grasps the staff the golden head's sapphire  
 +eyes flash with lightning and its tongue burns with fire, shedding light like a  
 +candle. The wielder can suppress this display as a free action, bur it returns  
 +when the wielder picks up the staff anew.
 == Wielder Requirements == == Wielder Requirements ==
Line 20: Line 35:
 == Penalties and Abilities == == Penalties and Abilities ==
 +Columns are //NOT// cumulative.  For example, a 13th level wielder
 +takes a -1 penalty on skill checks and saves, a -2 penalty to
 +caster level, and gives up a 4th-level spell slot.
 ^  Wielder\\ Level  ^  Skill\\ Check\\ Penalty  ^  Saving\\ Throw\\ Penalty  ^  Caster\\ Level\\ Penalty  ^  Spell\\ Slot\\ Loss  ^ Abilities  ^ ^  Wielder\\ Level  ^  Skill\\ Check\\ Penalty  ^  Saving\\ Throw\\ Penalty  ^  Caster\\ Level\\ Penalty  ^  Spell\\ Slot\\ Loss  ^ Abilities  ^
Line 55: Line 74:
 spell's casting time. spell's casting time.
-//The rest currently unknown//+**Arcane Resistance (Su)**: At 10th level, you gain a +3 
 +resistance bonus on saving throws. 
 +**Arcane Persistence (Su)**: At 13th level, you can apply 
 +the Extend Spell feat to up to three spells per day of up to 
 +9th level that you can cast. Using this legacy ability doesn'
 +increase the spell slot of the altered spell. 
 +**Arcane Repulsion (Su)**: At 14th level, you gain damage 
 +reduction 10/magic against ranged weapons, as if affected 
 +by a protection from arrows spell. The effect has no limit to 
 +the amount of damage it can absorb. Caster level 10th. 
 +**Arcane Reserve (Su)**: At 16th level, you can store up to 
 +three levels of spells in Banrhialorg, as if the staff were a ring 
 +of minor spell storing. 
 +**Arcane Acumen**: At 17th level, you gain a +6 enhancement 
 +bonus to your primary arcane spellcasting ability 
 +score, either Intelligence or Charisma. If you have more than 
 +one arcane spellcasting class, you can choose Intelligence 
 +or Charisma to benefit from this legacy ability. Once you've 
 +chosen, the application of this bonus cannot be changed. 
 +**Arcane Empowerment (Su)**: At 20th level, you can 
 +apply the Empower Spell feat to up to three spells per day 
 +of up to 9th level that you can cast. Using this legacy ability 
 +doesn't increase the spell slot of the altered spell.
 == History == == History ==
Line 65: Line 111:
 Three rituals are required to unlock all the abilities of Banrhialorg. Three rituals are required to unlock all the abilities of Banrhialorg.
-//currently unknown//+**Past Wrongs**: //details unknown// 
 +**Behind the Throne**: //details unknown// 
 +**Two Become One**: //details unknown//
banrhialorg.1193808678.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/27 18:40 (external edit)