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This adventure was written for the Micronauts.
Centuries ago, a minor wizard named Lhan Vûr stumbled across a great magical treasure known as the Time Crystal. This minor artifact is aligned CE, yet has several powers that any alignment would be interested in. Lhan Vûr was True Neutral, but slowly became CE after he had possessed the crystal for awhile. Concerned that others might befall his fate, Lhan Vûr created an elaborate tomb and placed unholy traps and misleading clues so that none would recover the crystal (which he buried with him).
The Time Crystal has the following powers:
1) There is no method for scaling the pyramid, yet atop it is a stone pillar with Continual Light cast on it. Around the base of the pyramid are 9 Skeletons (non-combatant) with permanent Magic Mouths cast on them so that when anyone approaches within 50 feet, they will begin to wriggle around on the poles which impale them and moan loudly as if in pain.
2) Beyond this stuck, locked, and trapped door are 2 Mummies (AC3, MV6“, HD6+3, #AT1, Dd12+fear, hp 30,28). The door is magically trapped with a Glyph of Warding (XAJ - Cold damage) for 14 points of frost damage. Written on the walls here (on either side and above the door to (3)) is: Grave robbers flee, for even if you live long enough to see this message, you can count on death soon!
3) Standing on guard around this false crypt are 6 Coffer Corpses (AC8, MV6”, HD2, #AT1, Dd6+throat lock, hp 12, 9, 7, 2×6, 5). In the central coffin (which is set with 50 large fake gems which make it look quite valuable) is a Zombie (hp 6) wearing a crown painted gold and set with many fake gems. The Zombie (who wears fancy robes will rise out of the coffin on the first round and attack on the second round).
4) On 2 raised platforms on either side of the room are 2 wooden chests with iron reinforcements and padlocks. If either chest is opened, two iron gratings will drop at the dotted lines and seal anybody in (as a prison cell). At this point, hidden trap doors in the ceiling will open and 15 Poisonous Asps (AC7, MV12“, HD1/2, #AT1, Dd2 + save at +2 or die, hp 4 ea.) will drop on either side (30 total). The chests are not empty, but each has one half of an iron plaque with the following message written on both of them (when combined): Perserverance can be fatal. Flee now and I will let you live.
5) The trap door here is made of heavy metal and requires an open doors roll. It is trapped with a 14 point cold glyph and opens up a 3'x3' hole with an iron ladder descending 20 feet. The first person must save vs. 1/2 dex to avoid a loose rung and not fall 15 feet (Damage 2d6).
6) In this room is a flat stone platform 2 1/2 inches above the floor level facing a huge green statue of a praying mantis. On either wall are Thri-Keen Zombies (AC5, MV9”, HD6, #AT4, Dd4 each, hp 31, 30, 29, 27, 2×24, 22, 17) which attack with 4 claws. They have no abilities like a normal Thri-Keen. Written on the north wall (is hieroglyphics) is Terror befalls those who defile. Curse be on you forever.
7) This room is identical to (6) except the Zombies are replaced with a large tapestry and no message is written on the wall. Any who touch the tapestry will trigger the summoning of a Bar-Igura (AC-3, MV9“@15”, HD6+6, #AT3, Dd6/d6/2d6 + fear on touch, hp 34). This minor demon can (at will): detect illusion & invisibility, dispel magic, telekinese 250#, and teleport. Twice per day it can use Change Self, Invisibility, and Spectral Force. It has 45% magic resistance and can gate in another of its kind (25% chance). If seriously pressed, it will go invisible or teleport out of combat, gate in a friend (hp 29 if successful) and continue the fight. Being very intelligent, this demon may try to dupe the party by using his illusionary powers to appear harmless.
8) Two identical coffins rest on a raised platform here. Around the room are 4 suits of Animated Armor (AC2(Shield), MV9“, HD6, #AT1, Dd8(longsword), hp 30, 29, 26, 14) who will attack as soon as one of the coffins is opened. Inside the coffins are 2 Mummies (Ac3, MV6”, HD6+3, #AT1, Dd12+fear, hp 32, 29). Any person examining the mummies will be attacked immediately (as the mummies will not immediately move and will rely on the confusion created by the attacking armor). If they succeed in rolling to hit, then they have grabbed onto the person and pulled him into the coffin closing it after them. This will cause no damage, but every round in the coffin, the victim must save vs. magic at -2 to attack (fear) and may only attack with small, hand held weapons. Meanwhile the mummy will automatically cause 1d8 points per round (No roll to hit required). The mummies are adorned formally with fake jewels and gold painted crowns as in area (3). Written on the inside of the coffins is the following message (in two parts): You find not what you seek, yet you persist. Turn back now fools and my wrath shall not | be released. If you must, however, look behind the third urn for the path to your prize.
9) The door to this area is cleverly trapped (-20% chance to locate) so that the porson opening will be shot by two poisoned arrows (save or die) that inflict 1d6 points each. They attack as a 10HD monster vs. a surprised opponent. The trap door down is also trapped with a cold glyph (14 points to all in room). The door is also heavy and must be opened by rolling.
10) Near this room is a pottery urn with a wooden plug. Inside is a poison gas pellet trap (cannot be non-magically detected from outside) which will release a sleep gas poison (save at -2 or fall asleep for 2d6 rounds). Around the corner is a metal bowl resting on a raised stone platform. The platform is a 3 1/2 feet above the floor and when touched, a gust of wind will issue from the bowl (All within 5' save vs. dexterity or fall over) and an Air Elemental (AC2, MV36“, HD8, #AT1, D2d10, hp 30) will be summoned to attack everybody nearby.
11) 4 large support pillars which are carved in the shape of huge men holding up the ceiling are here. Near the southernmost one, another pottery urn (as in area (10)) sits. This one is magical and has a powerful giant skeleton imprisoned inside. The Giant Skeleton (AC2, MV12”, HD10, #AT1, D3d6, hp 35) takes only 1 point from magical edged weapons and is not harmed by missile (except Magic Missile which causes 1 point/missile) or non-magical weapons. It cannot be turned and has no treasure.
12) This small room has the third urn. It is not trapped, and has simply a message carved on a stone tablet. The message says: You are much closer now than ever before. Seek beyond and below for your reward.
13) This room has a permanent Darkness spell cast in the corner. The radius is 10' and can be dispelled only vs. 10th level magic.
14) This area has many stones laying in a path up around the corner here. The first person through, though, will trigger a 35' pit trap (8d6 damage + 28% chance for broken bones and 15% chance for instant death). The second person in line must save vs. dexterity or fall in also. At the end of the hall is written: You now feel my wrath. Flee or die!
15) This room is the first actual tomb and has a single coffin. The corpse inside wears ceremonial robes and wears a wrought gold necklace (90gp) and has 3 gems placed around its head (emerald: 1,000, topaz: 500, amethyst: 100) as well as a Balm of Raise Dead.
16) This is similar to (15) except the treasure is: a silver ring set with a pearl (400 gp), a gold clasp set w/gems (400), a silver arm band set w/gems (200), and an ivory idol of a praying mantis (50).
17) As (15) & (16) except treasure is: a gold chain w/gems (500), and a gold bracelet w/gems (400).
18) As above except treasure is: a platinum medallion set w/gems (900) in the shape of a praying mantis. This room also has a secret door.
19) As above except treasure is: an ivory ring etched with a stalk of grain (90 gp). Also here is a MU scroll with Limited Wish and a Clerical scroll with Recall Spirit.
20) As above except there is no treasure and the corpse is actually another Mummy (AC3, MV6“, HD6+3, #AT1, Dd12+fear, hp 25).
21) The trap door here is magically trapped in two ways: A fire glyph for 14 points of damage and a powerful dispel magic/gust of wind combination which will put out all non-magical lights permanently (subject to later re-lighting), dispel all dispellable light sources permanently, and put out all permanently glowing magical light sources for one day.
22) In this room is the tomb of Lhan Vûr with all the wizards treasure (see below). Guarding this room, however, is the wizard's Groaning Spirit (AC0, MV15”, HD7, Dd8, hp27) as Lhan Vûr was a female elf! The spirit will not attack until the coffin is opened when a trap similar to (21) goes off. This one, however, only douses permanent light sources for 5 rounds. Around the coffin are 4 pottery urns sealed with a wooden stopper. In them are: 1) 9400 cp; 2) 8600 sp; 3) 1300 gp; 4) 400 pp. In a leather bag in the coffin are 5 gems (Jasper: 100, Jet: 90, blue quartz: 35, Obsidian: 14, and Chrysoprase: 10). The corpse wears a coral medallion (220), a silver ring w/gems (400), and a silver and gold clasp (80). Also in the coffin is: A Clerical scroll w/ Cure Serious Wounds and Cure Light Wounds, a Potion of Healing, a +1 Flame Tongue (Short Sword), a +1 Cloak of Protection, a +1 Dagger, +2 vs. magic-using creatures, +5 and double-damage vs. true giants (after the +5, but before strength bonuses), -2 cursed vs. creatures from the chaotic outer planes. (The dagger is intelligent (15) can detect evil/good in 1“ and locate object once/week. It speaks Common and Hill Giant and is aligned CN), and a minor Book of Exalted Deeds which will raise the wisdom of any Cleric by 1 point. Finally, the corpse clutches in its folded hands the Time Crysal.
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