Dwarf | M | 5 | Low Light | +2 Consitution | +2 Dungeoneering | +5 vs Poison | Throwing Hammer | Common | Use second wind as minor action |
| | | | +2 Wisdom | +2 Endurance | | War Hammer | Dwarven | Move normal speed when encumbered |
| | | | | | | | | Resist push/pull/slide by 1 square, save to fall prone |
Eladrin | M | 6 | Low Light | +2 Dexterity | +2 Arcana | +1 Will | Long Sword | Common | Gain additional skill |
| | | | +2 Intelligence | +2 History | +5 vs Charm | | Elven | Go into trance for 4 hours rather than sleep, but maintain alertness |
| | | | | | | | | Fey Step: Teleport 5 squares - 1/Enc |
Elf | M | 7 | Low Light | +2 Dexterity | +2 Nature | | Longbow | Common | Non-elf allies within 5 squares gain +1 to perception |
| | | | +2 Wisdom | +2 Perception | | Shortbow | Elven | Ignore difficult terrain when you shift |
| | | | | | | | | Elven Accuracy: You may re-roll an attack roll - 1/Enc |
Gnome | S | 5 | Low Light | +2 Intelligence | +2 Arcana | +5 vs Illusions | | Common | Wizard cantrip Ghost Sound as minor action - 1/Enc |
| | | | +2 Charisma | +2 Stealth | | | Elven | If you have cover at initiative check, you may make stealth roll |
| | | | | | | | | Fade Away: If you take damage, you may turn invisible - 1/Enc |
Goliath | M | 6 | Normal | +2 Strength | +2 Athletics | +1 Will | | Common | When you make Athletics roll to jump or climb, roll twice, pick best |
| | | | +2 Consititution | +2 Nature | | | Dwarven or | Stone's Endurance: Resist 5 to all damage until next turn - 1/Enc |
| | | | | | | | Giant | |
Half-Elf | M | 6 | Low Light | +2 Constitution | +2 Diplomacy | | | Common | Choose an At-Will power from different class use 1/Enc |
| | | | +2 Charisma | +2 Insight | | | Elven | You may take feats for either elf or humans |
| | | | | | | | Choose 1 | Allies within 10 squares gain +1 diplomacy |
Halfling | S | 6 | Normal | +2 Dexterity | +2 Acrobatics | +5 vs Fear | | Common | Gain +2 to AC vs opportunity attacks |
| | | | +2 Charisma | +2 Thievery | | | Choose 1 | Second Chance: If hit, force enemy to reroll - 1/Enc |
Half-Orc | M | 6 | Low Light | +2 Strength | +2 Endurance | | | Common | First time you are bloodied, gain 5 temporary hit points - 1/Enc |
| | | | +2 Dexterity | +2 Intimidate | | | Giant | Gain +2 to speed when charging |
| | | | | | | | | Furious Assault: When you hit, add 1[W] damage or 1d8 - 1/Enc |
Human | M | 6 | Normal | +2 Ability of choice | | +1 Fortitude | | Common | You know one extra At-Will power from your class |
| | | | | | +1 Reflex | | Choose 1 | You gain one extra feat at 1st level |
| | | | | | +1 Will | | | You gain one extra skill from class skill list |
Shifter Longtooth | M | 6 | Low Light | +2 Strength | +2 Athletics | | | Common | Longtooth Shifting: When bloodied, +2 dmg, regeneration 2 |
| | | | +2 Wisdom | +2 Endurance | | | Choose 1 | |
Shifter Razorclaw | M | 6 | Low Light | +2 Dexterity | +2 Acrobatics | | | Common | Razorclaw Shifting: When bloodied, Speed +2, AC +1, Reflex +1 |
| | | | +2 Wisdom | +2 Stealth | | | Choose 1 | |