==== V2 Session Thirty-Nine - 7 November 2008 - Creation Day 1112 ====
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^ Player ^ Character ^ Race ^ Class ^
| Dave | [[Freyrik]] | Human(Feytouched) | Warlock/10 |
| Ken | [[Ash]] | Aasimar | Paladin/8 |
| VW | [[Heilli]] | Human | Illumine Soul/4, Soulknife/5, Psion/1 |
| Kurt | [[Ketamine]] | [[Crag Gnome]] | Barbarian/1, [[Witch]]/9 |
| Chris | [[Yosi]] | Wood Elf | Barbarian/9 |
| Val | [[Allie]] | [[Lesser Aasimar]] | Favored Soul/7, Ranger/1 |
//Note: This adventure is an original creation by [[Jim Seymour]]. No maps or
prefab encounters were used -- although it starts with an NPC Mind Flayer who
escaped from [[v2session23|"Fortress of the Yuan-Ti"]].//
=== 28 October 1112 ===
While sleeping at the Inn, the party is ambushed by Tolvul, the Mind Flayer who escaped from Serastis.
He attacked from the ethereal plane and brought with him a psionic demon (Cerebrilith) and four phase spiders.
In the end, [[Heilli]]'s brain is eaten, [[Allie]] is poisoned to death, Tolvul is immolated, and
the Cerebrilith escapes.
[[Manorgrax]] steps out of the crowd and fixes the party...
=== 29 October 1112 ===
[[Creation Day]] ceremony. Three Huge Wyverns with Yuan-ti riders attack, along
with [[mosargrax|a Colossal Black Dragon]]. While the party take care of the
Wyverns, [[Manorgrax]] takes on "The Black".
==== ====
^ # ^ Challenge ^ CR ^
| 4 | Phase Spiders | 6((One higher than nominal because of encounter conditions)) |
| 1 | Cerebrilith | 11((One higher than nominal because of encounter conditions)) |
| 1 | Tolvul, Mind Flayer | 9((One higher than nominal because of encounter conditions)) |
| 3 | Advanced Wyverns | 7(([[Allie]] not involved in this encounter)) |
| 3 | Yuan-Ti Druid Wyvern Riders | 7(([[Allie]] not involved in this encounter)) |
^ ^ Total XP (each) ^ 2,78010 (1,580 for [[Allie]])\\ 3,5709\\ [[Allie]] & [[Heilli]] lose 4,500 for dying ^
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