==== V2 Session Twenty-One - 7 December 2007 - "Fortress of the Yuan-Ti" (part 2) ====
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^ Player ^ Character ^ Race ^ Class ^
| Dave | [[Freyrik]] | Human(Feytouched) | Warlock/6 |
| Ken | [[Ash]] | Aasimar | Paladin/5 |
| THF | [[Líkami]] | Human | Monk/6 |
| VW | [[Heilli]] | Human | Illumine Soul/1, Soulknife/5, Psion/1 |
| Kurt | [[Ketamine]] | [[Crag Gnome]] | Barbarian/1, [[Witch]]/6 |
| Chris | [[Yosi]] | Wood Elf | Barbarian/7 |
| Val | [[Allie]] | [[Lesser Aasimar]] | Favored Soul/5, Ranger/1 |
//Note: This adventure comes from
of the Yuan-ti]]", by Ari Marmell, as published by
[[http://www.wizards.com|Wizards of the Coast]].//
=== 12 October 1111 ===
{{ v2-21-gophodros.jpg|The smelly beast in the pit (Area K11)}}
//Area K9)// The Dungeon
The party descends the sloping stairs from the Torture Chamber to Level 1, where
they encounter a Yuan-Ti Ghost named Yensurros -- who serves as a prison warden
(of sorts).
Yensurros leads the party on a frustrating game of cat and mouse through the
walls of the prison cells. In the process, he drains vital life force from
[[Yosi]]((4 points of STR)), [[Líkami]]((6 points of DEX and //?// points of
STR)), and [[Freyrik]]((//?// points of INT)).
//Area K10)// Cells
After destroying the ghost, the party finds nine prisoners scattered throughout
the cells:
* Selirra (CG female elf adept 2). She lacks her holy symbol and so is unable to cast spells.
* Aldros (N male human commoner 1). He was taken from the slave community in the vale (area F).
* Rollin (LG male human expert 3).
* Thoburk (CN male orc warrior 1). In exchange for his rescue, he insists on aiding the party in combat.
* Illria (N female halfing rogue 2). Illria stumbled across Castle Serastis as a wandering adventurer, and was caught when she tried to break in.
* Daverov (LN male dwarf aristocrat 4). He insists on learning the hometowns of the party so he can send them a reward for his rescue.
* Kaleb (CN male human warrior 2). he was a hired guard in a small village north of [[Saltmarsh]]. When drunk on duty, he was taken unawares by the yuan-ti.
* Maneri (LN female human aristocrat 2). She owned the gallery Kaleb was supposed to be guarding, and was captured when he was.
* Male human corpse. (Dead before the fight with the ghost -- so was not "collateral" damage)
* Ossuru (CE female yuan-ti pureblood). A former guard, she failed in her assignments once too often.
In conversation with Ossuru, the yuan-ti prisoner, she insinuates the existence
of a secret passage on this level. When pressed for details, though, she puts
up brief (and futile) resistance and is killed. The orc, Thoburk, //insists//
on joining the party on their "revenge quest" against the yuan-ti -- and the
party (only somewhat reluctantly) agrees.
[[Allie]] consoles and feeds the remaining prisoners while the party finishes
searching this level. Once this level is deemed safe, the prisoners are
escorted out through the secret passage -- //earning the party **one special
action point**//((These points may only be redeemed during the final battle in
Castle Serastis -- for a list of what can be done with these points, see
//Area K11)// Garbage Pit
Gophodros, a magic-infused Otyugh lives in this massive garbage pit. Despite
the overpowering stench and his magical resistance, the party dives in and
defeats him. Under the garbage, [[Ketamine]] finds a
**//[[http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rings.htm#counterspells|ring of
counterspells]]//** with //charm person//.
//Area K12)// Storage Chambers
Find armor, weapons, and "adventuring" gear:
* Six suits of studded leather armor
* Six suits of leather armor
* Four chain shirts
* Two sets of scale mail
* A breastplate
* Four heavy steel shields
* Eight light sreel shields
* Three heavy wooden shields
* Four light wooden shields
* Four bucklers
* Twenty-four backpacks
* Twenty-four bedrolls
* Fifty candles
* Six crowbars
* Four hooded lanterns
* Four pints of lamp oil
* Thirty-six days' worth of trail rations
* 250 reet of hemp rope in 50-foot sections
* Two sledgehammers
* Six tents
* Six sun rods
* Twelve scimitars
* Six heavy maces
* Four longbows
* Eight shortbows
* Twelve quivers of twenty arrows each
//Area K13)// Hidden Exit
Find a secret door to a hidden passage that leads both outside and back up to
Level 2.
//Area K14)// Temporary Storage
Find an [[nanietharil|impressive suit of magical scale armor]]
(which Yosi tries on), and two magical pearls.
Escort the prisoners out and spend the night outside.
=== 13 October 1111 ===
The next morning, the party returns to the fortress via the secret passage
discovered the previous day. Once inside, they proceed up the passage -- which
leads to the Kitchen (Area K4).
From there, they cross the Great Hall and head up the sloping passage to the
third level.
//Area K15)// The Interior Balcony
This area is mostly an extension to The Great Hall (Area K3) -- and consists of
a long brass railing around the edge of a balcony. Doors and stairs lead in all
//Area K16)// Barracks
While these chambers are currently empty, a variety of yuan-ti personal effects
are found -- including 229 gp in coins and cheap jewelry.
//Area K17)// Guest Chambers
In one of these rooms, a //human// patrol was found (and killed). The other
room is covered in dust and appears not to have been used for some time.
//Area K18)// The Way Forward
Through the last unlocked door on this level, the party finds a set of steep
stairs leading to a door. At the top, a pair of Poison Dusk Lizardfolk stand
guard. Though they manage to activate a small barrier, their ranged weapons are
insufficient to stop the party from reaching the top and the party's front rank
makes short work of them.
//Countdown to the **TPK** will resume in two weeks...//
^ # ^ Challenge ^ CR ^
| 1 | Yensurros, Yuan-Ti Ghost | 7 |
| 1 | Gophodros, Spellwarped Otyugh | 5 |
| 1 | Human Patrol Leader | 5 |
| 3 | Human Patrol Guards | 1 |
| 2 | Poison Dusk Lizardfolk | 4 |
^ ^ Total XP (each) ^ 9107\\ 1,1106 ^
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