==== V2 Session Twelve - 20 July 2007 - "Unfamiliar Ground" ====
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^ Player ^ Character ^ Race ^ Class ^
| Dave | [[Freyrik]] | Human(Feytouched) | Warlock/4 |
| THF | [[Líkami]] | Human | Monk/3 |
| Ken | [[Ash]] | Aasimar | Paladin/2 |
| VW | [[Heilli]] | Human | Soulknife/3, Psion/1 |
| Kurt | [[Ketamine]] | [[Crag Gnome]] | Barbarian/1, [[Witch]]/3 |
| Chris | [[Yosi]] | Wood Elf | Barbarian/4 |
| Val | [[Allie]] | [[Lesser Aasimar]] | Favored Soul/3, Fighter/1 |
//Note: This adventure comes from "Unfamiliar Ground", by Christopher West,
with some very nice artwork from [[http://www.joachimart.com/|Joachim Barrum]].
It was published in [[http://paizo.com/dungeon/products/issues/2005/119|"Dungeon
Magazine" #119]], February, 2005, pages 18-28.//
**//21 June 1111//**
Rianna, the Ranger who helped [[Ash]] and [[Líkami]] [[v2session07b|babysit the
villagers]] in [[Kingsholm]], arrives in [[Stillsquall]] to get the party's assistance.
She has found the Imp who escaped their previous encounter -- and wants to kill
him once and for all. [[Ash]] enthusiastically agrees to help and rounds up the
rest of the party.
**//22-24 June 1111//**
Travel to [[Kingsholm]] by way of [[Southbay]]. The party spends the night with the Aldorans
at their camp. The Druid, [[Cordelia]], reintroduces herself and asks about the goings-on at the
[[v2session05|"Barrow of the Forgotten King"]].
**//25 June 1111//**
[[http://www.joachimart.com/images/c_i_paizo-3.htm|{{ snapper.jpg?400}}]]
Rianna leads the party to a spot where she has seen the Imp three times, but has to return
to the camp to attend to something "urgent". The party discovers a cave entrance on the far side
of a small lake. [[Líkami]] tries to scout ahead quietly, but is discovered by a Hobgoblin
on guard duty. The party rushes the cave entrance and finds themselves in a running
battle with twelve Hobgoblins and their Cleric leader, Neegla.
Eventually, the main group of Hobgoblins are killed. The leader flees to a back chamber,
where the party finds the Imp they are after, as well as a group of animated Skeletons
and a large Dragon Skeleton. The Dragon is so frightening that much of the party flees
on the spot, leaving only the twins -- who decide it would be best to retreat and
[[Freyrik]], also affected by the Dragon's //Frightful Presence// is cut off from the
main group and is unable to flee away, so he cowers in a side room. The Imp, who he
learns is named "Hezzrack", insists he play a game of chess with his "masterwork"
chess set (crudely carved from dragon bone). [[Freyrik]] goes along for the time
being, hoping the bide time until the rest of the party returns.
Once the fear effect wears off and the party regroups, they prepare for a second assault.
This time, [[Ash]] and [[Allie]] are unaffected by the Dragon's //Frightful Presence//.
[[Allie]], though, spends her time corralling the frightened party members -- while
[[Ash]] and the twins tackle the dragon, the Imp, and a mysterious old man.
The man, caught unawares by the party's arrival, makes a feeble attempt to convince
the party that he is in need of rescuing. While [[Yosi]] takes him seriously, nobody
else does -- which is good since it is actually the Hobgoblin Neegla with a //Disguise
Self// spell active.
[[Ash]] and the twins make short work of Neegla, but then find themselves in a fierce
fight with the Dragon. After a brilliant display of tactical movement, though, the
Dragon is defeated.
In the confusion, though, Hezzrack, the Imp, turns invisible and flees -- cackling
on his way out, saying, "Thanks for killing the Hobgoblins for me!"
^ Summary of Treasure Recovered (listed by room) ^^
^ 6) Neegla's Room ^ ^
| Thunderstone | keep |
| Jagged steel knife | 45 |
| Copper Chalice | 5 |
| Set of books | 300 |
| Potions of CLW x3 | keep |
| 35 gp | 35 |
^ 7) Storage Area ^ ^
| Masterwork Lyre | 50 |
| 5-gallon keg of fine ale | 10 |
| Bottle of find elven wine | 45 |
| (Bloodstained) Masterwork Manacles | 25 |
^ 10) Refuse Pit ^ ^
| Tiny silvered dagger | 22 |
^ 13) Fountain Chamber ^ ^
| Everburning Torches (x3) | keep |
| //Scrying Pool//((Not a //cash// asset, but an asset nonetheless)) | -- |
^ 14) Hezzrack's Den ^^
| care-worn wooden chessboard w/pieces carved from dragon bone | ?((could be worth //something// to a collector, if the history of the item was made a selling point)) |
^ 15) Necromantic Laboratory ^ ^
| Personal Journal of Ancient Necromancer((Claimed by [[Allie]] and traded for information on King Theron and [[Merthúvial]])) | //150//((Not included below)) |
| Damaged Spellbook (who's got //Read Magic//?) | ? |
| 47gp, 6pp | 107 |
| Vial of Silver Ink | 15 |
| Silver Ink Pen | 15 |
| Scroll: Animate Dead | ? |
^ Total: ^ 674+ ^
**//25 June 1111//**
For the remainder of the day, the party rests and recuperates with Rianna's people,
the Aldorans. [[Cordelia]], the Druid, offers her healing and much information is shared.
**//26 June 1111//**
Travel to [[Southbay]].
**//27 June 1111//**
Spend the day in [[Southbay]], selling loot and conducting some business.
^ # ^ Challenge ^ CR ^
| 1 | Large Constrictor Snake | 4 |
| 12 | Hobgoblins | 1/2 |
| 6 | Armored Skeletons | 1/2((Normally 1/3 -- slight bump due to higher AC)) |
| 1 | Neegla, Hobgoblin Leader | 4 |
| 1 | Snapper, the Dragon Skeleton | 4((Yes, I know. Welcome to the vagaries of the Challenge Rating system)) |
| 1 | Hezzrack, Imp Wizard | --((Escaped, undefeated)) |
| 4 | Gnoll Skeletons | 1 |
^ ^ Total XP (each) ^ 1,1353\\ 1,0704 ^
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