Created in 2014, the New Freedom Force is a tightly controlled government-sponsored unit, built with an emphasis on speed and youth. They are conspicuously mask-less. One, Erg, took the time to visit personally with the Rose City Five. She seemed nice. ==== =Paper Friends= ==== {{NewFreedomForce_Figures.pdf}} ==== =Erg= ==== A speedster with short dark hair and the look of a long-distance runner. {{Figure-Erg.jpg width="94" height="166"}} ==== =Shear= ==== A lady brick. {{Figure-Shear.jpg width="104" height="169"}} ==== =Reflex= ==== A blond, blue-eyed handsome man, apparently the latest product of the American super-soldier program. {{Figure-Reflex.jpg width="68" height="128"}} ==== =Guide= ==== The leader of the group. {{Figure-Guide.jpg width="81" height="144"}}