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5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons

This page details how I use the 5th edition rules. Comments welcome.

Included Rules

For now, only the core rulebooks are used. This means the Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, and Dungeon Master's Guide. eg: Nothing from Volo's or Xanathar's.


  • All races from the Player's Handbook are allowed with the following restrictions:
    • Dragonborn are not allowed.
    • Tieflings are rare and will draw unwanted attention.
  • All Variant Rules are allowed – (need to double-check this!)
  • Significant Injury Houserule: When a character drops to zero hit points, it acquires one level of Exhaustion. Every time it fails a death save, it acquires one more level of Exhaustion.
5e/start.1567655888.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/04 22:58 by jims